Channel: Product Downloads | Pitney Bowes Software Support
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MapInfo Pro v12.5.3 Maintenance Release (for 64-bit version)


The MapInfo Pro v12.5.3 update includes important corrections to the MapInfo Pro v12.5.1 release. Please note that this patch is only for the 64 bit release of MapInfo Pro v12.5.1.

We recommend that all MapInfo Pro v12.5 users update their version of MapInfo Pro. This patch is not valid for any pre-releases of MapInfo Pro, Runtime, MapBasic, or ProViewer. There are no user interface changes to any localized releases of MapInfo Pro v12.5. Prior to installing the patch:

  1. Install MapInfo Pro v12.5.1 (64 bit version), if not already installed.
  2. Quit MapInfo Pro if it is running (and MapBasic if you have it installed) prior to launching the patch installer.


  • Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1
  • Windows 8 64-bit
  • Windows 8.1 64-bit
  • Windows 2008 Server R2 64-bit SP1 with XenApp 7.5
  • Windows 2008 Server R2 64-bit SP1
  • Windows 2012 Server 64-bit

Download Instructions

  1. Create a temporary directory on your hard drive, such as C:\temp\MIPro1253patch.
  2. Click on the the MapInfoPro12.5.3MaintenanceRelease-MSP file to download the zipped installer.
  3. Extract MapInfoPro12.5.3MaintenanceRelease.exe to the temporary directory created in step 1.(such as C:\temp\MIPro1253patch).

Installation Instructions

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MapInfo Professional v12.5.0.33 Maintenance Release


The MapInfo Professional v12.5.0.33 update includes important corrections to MapInfo Professional v12.5. We recommend that all MapInfo Professional v12.5 users update their software to v12.5.0.33. This patch is not valid on pre-releases of MapInfo Professional or Runtime, and is not valid on MapBasic or ProViewer. Prior to installing this patch:

  1. Install MapInfo Professional v12.5 if it is not already installed.
  2. Quit MapInfo Professional if it is running (and MapBasic if you have it installed).


  • Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit SP1
  • Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1 with 32-bit compatibility mode
  • Windows 8 32-bit
  • Windows 8 64-bit
  • Windows 2008 Server 32-bit SP2
  • Windows 2008 Server R2 64-bit SP1 with XenApp 6.0
  • Windows 2008 Server R2 64-bit SP1
  • Windows 2012 Server 64-bit
  • Windows 2012 Server 64-bit with XenApp 7.0

Download Instructions

  1. Create a temporary directory on your hard drive, such as C:\temp\MIPro125033patch.
  2. Click on the MapInfoProfessional12.5.0.33MaintenanceRelease.zip download link - this opens the File Download dialog box.
  3. Click the "Save" button and navigate to the directory created in Step 1.
  4. Once the download completes, use Windows Explorer to navigate to the…

    View Details

MapInfo Professional v12.5.0.33 Maintenance Release – MSP file


Patch Requirements

The MSP file for the MapInfo Professional Maintenance Release only updates the English version of MapInfo Professional v12.5.0

The MSP file for the MapInfo Professional Maintenance Release does not update:

  • Any pre-releases of MapInfo Professional v12.5.x
  • Any localized version of MapInfo Professional v12.5.x
  • MapInfo Professional Runtime v12.5.x
  • MapBasic v12.5.x
  • ProViewer v12.5.x


  • Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit SP1
  • Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1 with 32-bit compatibility mode
  • Windows 8 32-bit
  • Windows 8 64-bit
  • Windows 2008 Server 32-bit SP2
  • Windows 2008 Server R2 64-bit SP1 with XenApp 6.0
  • Windows 2008 Server R2 64-bit SP1
  • Windows 2012 Server 64-bit
  • Windows 2012 Server 64-bit with XenApp 7.0


We recommend that you print this page for easy reference during the installation process.

Prior to Installing the Patch

  1. Ensure that MapInfo Professional v12.5.0 is already installed.
  2. Quit MapInfo Professional if it is running (and MapBasic if you have it installed) prior to launching the patch installer.

Download Instructions

  1. Create a temporary directory on your hard drive, such as C:\temp\MIPro125033patch.
  2. From…

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MapInfo Discover 2016.0.1 64-bit maintenance release


The MapInfo Discover 2016.0.1 maintenance release is now available.


Released April 2017

With this incremental release, GPS co-ordinates and information can now be captured with the Data Entry module. It also resolves some issues with the Drillholes module, as well as a number of other defects:

  • ENDIS-805 - Drillholes > 3D Coordinates tool now only creates rows for HoleIDs that exist in the Collar table.
  • ENDIS-5184 - Transparency of drillhole legends in 3D is now supported.
  • ENDIS-5763 - Analysis > Trivariate Classification now allows custom output file names.
  • ENDIS-6474 - Scaled output now maintains the mapper scale.
  • ENDIS-6485 - The Data Entry > Record Entry and Enter Data tools now correctly populate the target table with GPS-specific information.
  • ENDIS-6491 - Resolved some issues with the Vector Transform tool's handling of DXF files.
  • ENDIS-6519 - Drillholes - Zero collars/DEM/data in a section crashes Create Section.
  • ENDIS-6537 - Fixed an Autoscale error with text labels in Drillholes Downhole Data.
  • ENDIS-6546 - Resolved a crash with the Drillholes 3D Coordinates tool when operating on large drillhole projects.
  • ENDIS-6549 - Favourite Workspaces & Favourite MBXs now support the…

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MapInfo Pro v15.0.2 Maintenance Release MSP (32-bit)


Patch Requirements

The MSP file for the MapInfo Pro Maintenance Release only updates the English version of MapInfo Pro v15.0 and v15.0.1. Please note that this patch is only for the 32-bit release of MapInfo Pro v15.0 and v15.0.1.

The MSP file for the MapInfo Pro Maintenance Release does not update:

  • Any pre-releases of MapInfo Pro v15.0.
  • Any non-English version of MapInfo Pro v15.0.
  • MapInfo Pro MapBasic or Runtime v15.0.


  • Windows 7 32-bit SP1
  • Windows 7 64-bit SP1
  • Windows 8.1 32-bit
  • Windows 8.1 64-bit
  • Windows 10 32-bit
  • Windows 10 64-bit
  • Windows 2008 Server 32-bit SP1
  • Windows 2008 Server R2 64-bit SP1 with XenApp 6.0
  • Windows 2008 Server R2 64-bit SP1
  • Windows 2012 Server R2 64-bit
  • Windows 2012 Server R2 64-bit with XenApp 7.5


We recommend that you print this page for easy reference during the installation process.

Prior to Installing the Patch

  1. Ensure that MapInfo Pro v15.0 is already installed.
  2. Quit MapInfo Pro if it is running (and MapBasic if you have it installed) prior to launching the patch installer.


View Details

MapInfo Pro v15.0.2 Maintenance Release (32-bit)


The MapInfo Pro v15.0.2 update includes important corrections to MapInfo Pro v15.0, v15.0.1 and Runtime. We recommend that all MapInfo Pro v15.0, v15.0.1 and Runtime users update their version of MapInfo Pro. Please note that this patch is only for the 32-bit release.

Prior to installing the patch:

  1. Install MapInfo Pro v15.0 if not already installed
  2. Quit MapInfo Pro if it is running (and MapBasic if you have it installed) prior to launching the patch installer.


  • Windows 7 32-bit SP1
  • Windows 7 64-bit SP1
  • Windows 8.1 32-bit
  • Windows 8.1 64-bit
  • Windows 10 32-bit
  • Windows 10 64-bit
  • Windows 2008 Server R2 64-bit SP1 with XenApp 6.0
  • Windows 2008 Server R2 32-bit SP1
  • Windows 2008 Server R2 64-bit SP1
  • Windows 2012 Server R2 64-bit
  • Windows 2012 Server R2 64-bit with XenApp 7.5

Download Instructions

  1. Create a temporary directory on your hard drive, such as C:\temp\MIPro1502patch.
  2. Click on the MapInfoPro15.0.2MaintenanceRelease.zip file to download the zipped installer.
  3. Extract MapInfoPro15.0.2MaintenanceRelease.exe to the temporary directory created in step 1.(such as C:\temp\MIPro1502patch).

Installation Instructions

Refer to the Maintenance Release Notes for…

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MapInfo Pro v16.0.2 Maintenance Release (64-bit)


The MapInfo Pro v16.0.2 update includes important corrections to MapInfo Pro v16.0, v16.0.1 and Runtime. We recommend that all MapInfo Pro v16.0, v16.0.1 and Runtime users update their version of MapInfo Pro. Please note that this patch is only for the 64-bit release.

Prior to installing the patch:

  1. Install MapInfo Pro v16.0, if not already installed.
  2. Quit MapInfo Pro if it is running (and MapBasic if you have it installed) prior to launching the patch installer.

Download Instructions

  1. Create a temporary directory on your hard drive, such as C:\temp\MIPro1602patch.
  2. Click on the MapInfoPro16.0.2MaintenanceRelease.zip file to download the zipped installer.
  3. Extract MapInfoPro16.0.2MaintenanceRelease.exe to the temporary directory created in step 1 (such as C:\temp\MIPro1602patch).

Installation Instructions

Refer to the Maintenance Release Notes for detailed instructions and additional notes.


Right-click the MapInfoPro16.0.2MaintenanceRelease.exe file and select Run as administrator from the popup menu to install using elevated privileges. If a prompt for permission to continue displays, click Allow or Yes to proceed (if you do not respond and the message times-out, the install is unsuccessful).

This program starts the install wizard that leads you through the rest…

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MapInfo Pro v16.0.2 Maintenance Release MSP (64-bit)


Patch Requirements

The MSP file for the MapInfo Pro Maintenance Release only updates the English version of MapInfo Pro v16.0 and v16.0.1. Please note that this patch is only for the 64-bit release of MapInfo Pro v16.0 and v16.0.1.

The MSP file for the MapInfo Pro Maintenance Release does not update:

  • Any pre-releases of MapInfo Pro v16.0.
  • Any non-English version of MapInfo Pro v16.0.
  • MapInfo Pro Runtime or MapBasic v16.0.


We recommend that you print this page for easy reference during the installation process.

Prior to Installing the Patch

  1. Ensure that MapInfo Pro v16.0 is already installed.
  2. Quit MapInfo Pro if it is running (and MapBasic if you have it installed) prior to launching the patch installer.

Download Instructions

  1. Create a temporary directory on your hard drive, such as C:\temp\MIPro1602patch.
  2. Click on the the MapInfoPro16.0.2MaintenanceRelease-MSP file to download the zipped installer.
  3. Extract MapInfoPro16.0.2MaintenanceRelease.msp to the temporary directory created in step 1. (such as C:\temp\MIPro1602patch).

Refer to the Maintenance Release Notes for detailed instructions and additional notes.

Install this Maintenance Release with elevated privileges. To do this, right-click on…

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MapInfo Pro v12.5.4 Maintenance Release (for 64-bit version)


The MapInfo Pro v12.5.4 update includes important corrections to the MapInfo Pro v12.5.1 and v12.5.3. We recommend that all MapInfo Pro v12.5.1 and v12.5.3 users update their version of MapInfo Pro. This patch is not valid for any pre-releases of MapInfo Pro or Runtime. There are no user interface changes to any localized releases of MapInfo Pro v12.5.1 or v12.5.3. Prior to installing the patch:

  1. Install MapInfo Pro v12.5.1, if not already installed.
  2. Quit MapInfo Pro if it is running (and MapBasic if you have it installed) prior to launching the patch installer.

NOTE: If you are using MapCAD tool, you will need to install an updated mbx prior to using the tool. The link to the mbx as well as a utility to install it are included at the bottom of the page. If you are using mbx, you will need to put it into the MapCAD folder (on a typical install it will be placed in C:\Program Files\MapInfo\Professional\MapCAD folder). Provided utility will automatically put it into MapCAD installation folder.


  • Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1
  • Windows 8 64-bit
  • Windows 8.1 64-bit
  • Windows 2008 Server R2 64-bit…

    View Details

MapInfo Pro v12.5.3 Maintenance Release (for 64-bit version)


The MapInfo Pro v12.5.3 update includes important corrections to the MapInfo Pro v12.5.1 release. Please note that this patch is only for the 64 bit release of MapInfo Pro v12.5.1.

We recommend that all MapInfo Pro v12.5 users update their version of MapInfo Pro. This patch is not valid for any pre-releases of MapInfo Pro, Runtime, MapBasic, or ProViewer. There are no user interface changes to any localized releases of MapInfo Pro v12.5. Prior to installing the patch:

  1. Install MapInfo Pro v12.5.1 (64 bit version), if not already installed.
  2. Quit MapInfo Pro if it is running (and MapBasic if you have it installed) prior to launching the patch installer.


  • Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1
  • Windows 8 64-bit
  • Windows 8.1 64-bit
  • Windows 2008 Server R2 64-bit SP1 with XenApp 7.5
  • Windows 2008 Server R2 64-bit SP1
  • Windows 2012 Server 64-bit

Download Instructions

  1. Create a temporary directory on your hard drive, such as C:\temp\MIPro1253patch.
  2. Click on the the MapInfoPro12.5.3MaintenanceRelease-MSP file to download the zipped installer.
  3. Extract MapInfoPro12.5.3MaintenanceRelease.exe to the temporary directory created in step 1.(such as C:\temp\MIPro1253patch).

Installation Instructions

View Details

MapInfo Professional v12.5.0.33 Maintenance Release


The MapInfo Professional v12.5.0.33 update includes important corrections to MapInfo Professional v12.5. We recommend that all MapInfo Professional v12.5 users update their software to v12.5.0.33. This patch is not valid on pre-releases of MapInfo Professional or Runtime, and is not valid on MapBasic or ProViewer. Prior to installing this patch:

  1. Install MapInfo Professional v12.5 if it is not already installed.
  2. Quit MapInfo Professional if it is running (and MapBasic if you have it installed).


  • Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit SP1
  • Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1 with 32-bit compatibility mode
  • Windows 8 32-bit
  • Windows 8 64-bit
  • Windows 2008 Server 32-bit SP2
  • Windows 2008 Server R2 64-bit SP1 with XenApp 6.0
  • Windows 2008 Server R2 64-bit SP1
  • Windows 2012 Server 64-bit
  • Windows 2012 Server 64-bit with XenApp 7.0

Download Instructions

  1. Create a temporary directory on your hard drive, such as C:\temp\MIPro125033patch.
  2. Click on the MapInfoProfessional12.5.0.33MaintenanceRelease.zip download link - this opens the File Download dialog box.
  3. Click the "Save" button and navigate to the directory created in Step 1.
  4. Once the download completes, use Windows Explorer to navigate to the…

    View Details

MapInfo Professional v12.5.0.33 Maintenance Release – MSP file


Patch Requirements

The MSP file for the MapInfo Professional Maintenance Release only updates the English version of MapInfo Professional v12.5.0

The MSP file for the MapInfo Professional Maintenance Release does not update:

  • Any pre-releases of MapInfo Professional v12.5.x
  • Any localized version of MapInfo Professional v12.5.x
  • MapInfo Professional Runtime v12.5.x
  • MapBasic v12.5.x
  • ProViewer v12.5.x


  • Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit SP1
  • Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1 with 32-bit compatibility mode
  • Windows 8 32-bit
  • Windows 8 64-bit
  • Windows 2008 Server 32-bit SP2
  • Windows 2008 Server R2 64-bit SP1 with XenApp 6.0
  • Windows 2008 Server R2 64-bit SP1
  • Windows 2012 Server 64-bit
  • Windows 2012 Server 64-bit with XenApp 7.0


We recommend that you print this page for easy reference during the installation process.

Prior to Installing the Patch

  1. Ensure that MapInfo Professional v12.5.0 is already installed.
  2. Quit MapInfo Professional if it is running (and MapBasic if you have it installed) prior to launching the patch installer.

Download Instructions

  1. Create a temporary directory on your hard drive, such as C:\temp\MIPro125033patch.
  2. From…

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MapInfo ProViewer v12.5


MapInfo ProViewer is a free utility that opens MapInfo .tab files and .wor files. If you are a MapInfo Professional® or MapXtreme® user, this lets you share your work with colleagues. This viewer allows anyone to view or print your maps and workspaces.

**NOTE: Ensure that you comply with the license agreements for the datasets that you share via ProViewer. In some cases, you may need to purchase additional data licenses.

Download Requirements

  • Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit SP1
  • Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1 with 32-bit compatibility mode
  • Windows 2008 Server R2 64-bit SP1
  • Windows 2008 Server R2 64-bit SP1 with XenApp 6.0
  • Windows 8 32-bit
  • Windows 8 64-bit
  • Windows 2012 Server 64-bit
  • Windows 2012 Server 64-bit with XenApp 7.0

Download Instructions

  1. Create a temporary directory on your hard drive, such as C:\TEMP\ProViewer.
  2. Click on the ProViewer125_setup.zip download link below to open the File Download dialog.
  3. Click Save and then navigate to the directory created in Step 1 (C:\TEMP\ProViewer).
  4. After the download completes, open Windows Explorer and navigate to the directory created in Step 1 (C:\TEMP\ProViewer).
  5. Double-click the ProViewer125_setup.zip file to…

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MapInfo Pro v15.0.3 Maintenance Release MSP (32-bit)


Patch Requirements

The MSP file for the MapInfo Pro Maintenance Release only updates the English version of MapInfo Pro v15.0, v15.0.1 and 15.0.2. Please note that this patch is only for the 32-bit release of MapInfo Pro v15.0, 15.0.1 and v15.0.2.

The MSP file for the MapInfo Pro Maintenance Release does not update:

  • Any pre-releases of MapInfo Pro v15.0.
  • Any non-English version of MapInfo Pro v15.0.
  • MapInfo Pro MapBasic or Runtime v15.0.


  • Windows 7 32-bit SP1
  • Windows 7 64-bit SP1
  • Windows 8.1 32-bit
  • Windows 8.1 64-bit
  • Windows 10 32-bit
  • Windows 10 64-bit
  • Windows 2008 Server 32-bit SP1
  • Windows 2008 Server R2 64-bit SP1 with XenApp 6.0
  • Windows 2008 Server R2 64-bit SP1
  • Windows 2012 Server R2 64-bit
  • Windows 2012 Server R2 64-bit with XenApp 7.5


We recommend that you print this page for easy reference during the installation process.

Prior to Installing the Patch

  1. Ensure that MapInfo Pro v15.0 is already installed.
  2. Quit MapInfo Pro if it is running (and MapBasic if you have it installed) prior to launching the patch installer.

View Details

MapInfo Pro v15.0.3 Maintenance Release (32-bit)


The MapInfo Pro v15.0.3 update includes important corrections to MapInfo Pro v15.0, v15.0.1, 15.0.2 and Runtime. We recommend that all MapInfo Pro v15.0, v15.0.1, 15.0.2 and Runtime users update their version of MapInfo Pro. Please note that this patch is only for the 32-bit release.

Prior to installing the patch:

  1. Install MapInfo Pro v15.0 if not already installed
  2. Quit MapInfo Pro if it is running (and MapBasic if you have it installed) prior to launching the patch installer.


  • Windows 7 32-bit SP1
  • Windows 7 64-bit SP1
  • Windows 8.1 32-bit
  • Windows 8.1 64-bit
  • Windows 10 32-bit
  • Windows 10 64-bit
  • Windows 2008 Server R2 64-bit SP1 with XenApp 6.0
  • Windows 2008 Server R2 32-bit SP1
  • Windows 2008 Server R2 64-bit SP1
  • Windows 2012 Server R2 64-bit
  • Windows 2012 Server R2 64-bit with XenApp 7.5

Download Instructions

  1. Create a temporary directory on your hard drive, such as C:\temp\MIPro1503patch.
  2. Click on the MapInfoPro15.0.3MaintenanceRelease.exe zip file to download the zipped installer.
  3. Extract MapInfoPro15.0.3MaintenanceRelease.exe to the temporary directory created in step 1.(such as C:\temp\MIPro1503patch).

Installation Instructions

Refer to the Maintenance Release…

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MapInfo Pro v16.0.3 Maintenance Release (64-bit)


The MapInfo Pro v16.0.3 update includes important corrections to MapInfo Pro v16.0, v16.0.1, v16.0.2 and Runtime. We recommend that all MapInfo Pro v16.0, v16.0.1, v16.0.2 and Runtime users update their version of MapInfo Pro. Please note that this patch is only for the 64-bit release.

Prior to installing the patch:

  1. Install MapInfo Pro v16.0, if not already installed.
  2. Quit MapInfo Pro if it is running (and MapBasic if you have it installed) prior to launching the patch installer.

Download Instructions

  1. Create a temporary directory on your hard drive, such as C:\temp\MIPro1603patch.
  2. Click on the MapInfoPro16.0.3MaintenanceRelease.zip file to download the zipped installer.
  3. Extract MapInfoPro16.0.3MaintenanceRelease.exe to the temporary directory created in step 1 (such as C:\temp\MIPro1603patch).

Installation Instructions

Refer to the Maintenance Release Notes for detailed instructions and additional notes.


Right-click the MapInfoPro16.0.3MaintenanceRelease.exe file and select Run as administrator from the popup menu to install using elevated privileges. If a prompt for permission to continue displays, click Allow or Yes to proceed (if you do not respond and the message times-out, the install is unsuccessful).

This program starts the install wizard that leads…

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MapInfo Pro v16.0.3 Maintenance Release MSP (64-bit)


Note: The MSP version of the patch is intended for Administrators. Please use the executable provided here for standard installation.

Patch Requirements

The MSP file for the MapInfo Pro Maintenance Release only updates the English version of MapInfo Pro v16.0, v16.0.1 and v16.0.2. Please note that this patch is only for the 64-bit release of MapInfo Pro v16.0, v16.0.1 and v16.0.2.

The MSP file for the MapInfo Pro Maintenance Release does not update:

  • Any pre-releases of MapInfo Pro v16.0.
  • Any non-English version of MapInfo Pro v16.0.
  • MapInfo Pro Runtime or MapBasic v16.0.


We recommend that you print this page for easy reference during the installation process.

Prior to Installing the Patch

  1. Ensure that MapInfo Pro v16.0 is already installed.
  2. Quit MapInfo Pro if it is running (and MapBasic if you have it installed) prior to launching the patch installer.

Download Instructions

  1. Create a temporary directory on your hard drive, such as C:\temp\MIPro1602patch.
  2. Click on the the MapInfoPro16.0.3MaintenanceRelease-MSP file to download the zipped installer.
  3. Extract MapInfoPro16.0.3MaintenanceRelease.msp to the temporary directory created in step 1. (such as C:\temp\MIPro1603patch).

View Details

MapInfo Pro v12.5.4 Maintenance Release (for 64-bit version)


The MapInfo Pro v12.5.4 update includes important corrections to the MapInfo Pro v12.5.1 and v12.5.3. We recommend that all MapInfo Pro v12.5.1 and v12.5.3 users update their version of MapInfo Pro. This patch is not valid for any pre-releases of MapInfo Pro or Runtime. There are no user interface changes to any localized releases of MapInfo Pro v12.5.1 or v12.5.3. Prior to installing the patch:

  1. Install MapInfo Pro v12.5.1, if not already installed.
  2. Quit MapInfo Pro if it is running (and MapBasic if you have it installed) prior to launching the patch installer.

NOTE: If you are using MapCAD tool, you will need to install an updated mbx prior to using the tool. The link to the mbx as well as a utility to install it are included at the bottom of the page. If you are using mbx, you will need to put it into the MapCAD folder (on a typical install it will be placed in C:\Program Files\MapInfo\Professional\MapCAD folder). Provided utility will automatically put it into MapCAD installation folder.


  • Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1
  • Windows 8 64-bit
  • Windows 8.1 64-bit
  • Windows 2008 Server R2 64-bit…

    View Details

MapInfo Pro v12.5.3 Maintenance Release (for 64-bit version)


The MapInfo Pro v12.5.3 update includes important corrections to the MapInfo Pro v12.5.1 release. Please note that this patch is only for the 64 bit release of MapInfo Pro v12.5.1.

We recommend that all MapInfo Pro v12.5 users update their version of MapInfo Pro. This patch is not valid for any pre-releases of MapInfo Pro, Runtime, MapBasic, or ProViewer. There are no user interface changes to any localized releases of MapInfo Pro v12.5. Prior to installing the patch:

  1. Install MapInfo Pro v12.5.1 (64 bit version), if not already installed.
  2. Quit MapInfo Pro if it is running (and MapBasic if you have it installed) prior to launching the patch installer.


  • Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1
  • Windows 8 64-bit
  • Windows 8.1 64-bit
  • Windows 2008 Server R2 64-bit SP1 with XenApp 7.5
  • Windows 2008 Server R2 64-bit SP1
  • Windows 2012 Server 64-bit

Download Instructions

  1. Create a temporary directory on your hard drive, such as C:\temp\MIPro1253patch.
  2. Click on the the MapInfoPro12.5.3MaintenanceRelease-MSP file to download the zipped installer.
  3. Extract MapInfoPro12.5.3MaintenanceRelease.exe to the temporary directory created in step 1.(such as C:\temp\MIPro1253patch).

Installation Instructions

View Details

MapInfo Professional v12.5.0.33 Maintenance Release


The MapInfo Professional v12.5.0.33 update includes important corrections to MapInfo Professional v12.5. We recommend that all MapInfo Professional v12.5 users update their software to v12.5.0.33. This patch is not valid on pre-releases of MapInfo Professional or Runtime, and is not valid on MapBasic or ProViewer. Prior to installing this patch:

  1. Install MapInfo Professional v12.5 if it is not already installed.
  2. Quit MapInfo Professional if it is running (and MapBasic if you have it installed).


  • Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit SP1
  • Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1 with 32-bit compatibility mode
  • Windows 8 32-bit
  • Windows 8 64-bit
  • Windows 2008 Server 32-bit SP2
  • Windows 2008 Server R2 64-bit SP1 with XenApp 6.0
  • Windows 2008 Server R2 64-bit SP1
  • Windows 2012 Server 64-bit
  • Windows 2012 Server 64-bit with XenApp 7.0

Download Instructions

  1. Create a temporary directory on your hard drive, such as C:\temp\MIPro125033patch.
  2. Click on the MapInfoProfessional12.5.0.33MaintenanceRelease.zip download link - this opens the File Download dialog box.
  3. Click the "Save" button and navigate to the directory created in Step 1.
  4. Once the download completes, use Windows Explorer to navigate to the…

    View Details

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